Physics Tutoring
Is tutoring necessary?
If your son or daughter is struggling to keep on top of the work, or has got behind, or needs some motivation to study, tutoring can really help to bridge the gap. Success motivates students, and having that extra support can really help improve attainment.
I have been teaching secondary school Physics since 2002, at all levels of SQA Physics qualifications. I am able to provide expert and tailored tutoring for your child for SQA National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher. As a marker for the SQA, I have a thorough knowledge of the exam assessments. I can provide tools, resources and instruction necessary to complete papers successfully whilst avoiding pitfalls. It would be hard to find a Physics tutor in Edinburgh with this level of experience.
I tutor in Edinburgh only, although I have taken on more online tutoring since the beginning of 2020. This involves using Zoom, sharing my iPad screen and using a webcam so we can see each other. I have found it as effective as tutoring in a person's home.
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